About Window Press
Paul Deblinger and Dan Johnson founded Window Press in 1975 in Washington, D.C. The two worked at Discount Books and Records in Chevy Chase, Maryland along with an engaging group of young writers, musicians and artists. They produced Window, a small press magazine that featured poetry, fiction, interviews with prominent writers, book reviews and photography. The magazine was awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines and Bowling Green State University.
Window included poetry from Pulitzer Prize winner Henry Taylor as well as Linda Pastan, John Engels, Dara Wier and prose from R.H.W. Dillard, Ron Carlson, Allen Wier and others. Window Press published chapbooks from Harrison Fisher, Pat Garfinkel, Scott Cairns and Alan Basting.
White Fence is the first publication by Window Press in many years. Paul Deblinger decided to revive the press after running writing workshops at the OLLI program at Duke University for many years and then Zoom workshops on his own since the pandemic.
White Fence includes 10 images from photographer Paul Siwek who uses collage and multi media in her photographs. The four poets each responded to the 10 images producing the hardcover volume that includes all forty poems and the 10 images.
Paul Deblinger currently offers three writing workshops on Zoom (two creative prose and one poetry) and is available for manuscript and publishing consultation. For more information on Window Press and the workshops write to windowpresspub@gmail.com.